Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Highlights of Arizona

Due to patchy access to wireless and the fact that we are having such a good time, you may have noiticed little blogging has taken place lately. We are slumming it in the Fairmont hotel in San Francisco at the moment soon to leave for the airport. Full service will resume when we get home and have unpacked. However, in the meantime here are a few titbits to keep everyone interested.

after a winter of 8 ft of snow

Grand Canyon Snowed out on first visit but glorious sun on 2nd go

Monument Valley


Ancient Annasazi Indian ruins and pictographs and Canyon de Chelly

Plus.................Elevator cam videos by Sue.

Incidentally, thanks Brian for the comment. Yes there does seem to be a bit of a food theme to the blog entries. Just wait for our comments on American serving sizes...........

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