Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rampant Hamster

Is there a boutique pet shop on Pike Place? Are animals allowed at the Inn at the Market?? Is it a new Seattle rock band??? No such luck, it's jet lag! And it found me using the laptop, in the bathroom at 2.30 in the morning (and now again at 5.30am). The bathroom is the only place I can turn on a light in our hotel room without waking John - He-who-can-irritatingly-sleep-at-any-time-of-the-day-or-night. And yes, I am sitting on the toilet. It's the only available seat in the bathroom (hey - the lid is closed, OK!!). More information than you needed? Which brings us to the hamsters.

I read my email, caught up on Ravelry and then started idly browsing the web (as you do) looking for webfomation about jet lag. Then I found it; a NewScientist  article reporting on a study in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) - about jet lag in hamsters. Researchers found that jet lag was common in the travelling hamster, but that it could be siginificantly reduced by dosing the hamster with - Viagra. Eh?!! Sorry, I'll read that again, yes, it is correct, Viagra. Now, I am suffering from jet lag so am already losing grip on reality, but this information is a fact too far. I am now perched on the porcelain in a Settle hotel bathroom, imagining flying hamsters. Hamsters; reclining in business class seats, eye masks pushed back on their fuzzy little foreheads, quaffing Piper Heidsiek, popping Viagra, permanently priapic. Thanks very much NewScientist. Now I'm halucinating as well.

Edited to add: Yes, Qantas did give us Piper Heidsiek. No Viagra though. Perhaps that is why they are no longer the world's best airline?

Edited to add - to add: And anyway, what kind of sicko would even think of feeding Viagra to hamsters as a cure for jet lag? Surely this is the stuff of an imagination even more crazed than mine?

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